Wire Haiku

Theme: Basics

Monday 3 October 2022. ‹basics› #theme-intro

Now that things are up and running, I think it’s time to add a little structure. From now on, every month will have a unique theme, declared up front in each month’s first post.

I’m mostly proud of the haiku I wrote in this first phase, but I’ve been distracted with web design and constant tinkering to get things off the ground. This is my way of getting back on track by giving myself a clear path forward.

This first month’s theme is basics: trying my best to adhere to the fundamental rules of western haiku (the ones we all learned in primary school).

To be clear, the rules I’m following this month are:

  • The haiku must be three lines of five, seven and five syllables.
  • There must be a clear reference to a seasonal element.
  • There must be two juxtaposed elements or subjects.

I’m sure I’ll accidentally break one of these rules eventually, but I look forward to the challenge. After all, there’s no point in breaking in the rules if you don’t know what they are in the first place.