Wire Haiku

Theme: Brightness

december dies
and the first rays of january
scar the softened ground

And we’re back! After a lovely little Christmas hiatus, it’s time for more haiku. Specifically, haiku about the brilliant summer heat and humidity that has finally come to pass.

After a depressingly cold December, my city is finally starting to glow with summer heat and my creaky old bones have stopped feeling like icicles knick-knocking together. It’s such an invigorating feeling to step outside and feel the heat completely permeate your body; to feel the thick humidity collide with your skin and soak right in.

In celebration of this newfound heat, this month’s theme is brightness: haiku about the arrival of summer and the way cities change themselves to fit into it.

Thank you so much for reading Wire Haiku, and I hope you enjoy my work in this shiny new year.